
The personal data of users of is protected by the Privacy Policy, which you can read below. The Policy contains information about what user data is collected and processed, and how it is protected.


We collect and process personal data such as name, surname, contact information (phone number and email address). Additionally, technical information about the IP address, browser version, device operating system, and date and time of the visit is collected through Cookies.


The purpose of collecting personal and technical data is to improve the services provided on the website and to provide quality customer service, including sending offers with user consent.


To protect the personal data of users, an SSL certificate is used, which encrypts the transmitted data. As a result, even if this data is intercepted, it cannot be read or modified.


The Privacy Policy may be subject to any changes on our part without prior notice. The current and up-to-date version is always available for viewing on the website. Your use of this website is considered your agreement to the terms.


If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please leave the website immediately. If you have any recommendations or questions, you can contact us through the feedback form. At any time, you can also request the deletion of personal data previously provided to us.